Friday, January 9, 2015


New Years Eve is fast-approaching, and soon "the busiest man in show business", Ryan Seacrest, will be leading the countdown for the ball to drop in Times Square. Once it drops, millions of drunk Americans will be launched into a new year with new personal resolutions. Even though studies show that a large percentage of people fail to keep their resolutions beyond the first few weeks of the new year, we believe that our kickballers will stick to their resolutions the whole year through. Here are just a few of the differences between the resolutions made by the average person and that of a NACKA Kickballer...

Resolutions for the Average Person vs. Resolutions for the NACKA Kickballer

The Average Person Resolves To: Spend more quality time with their families.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Spend more quality time at Sahlen Stadium.

The Average Person Resolves To: Cut back on alcohol.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Cut back on water.

The Average Person Resolves To: Exercise more.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Reserve all physical activity for the field.

The Average Person Resolves To: Find a more fulfilling job.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Find a way to make kickball their full-time job.

The Average Person Resolves To: Travel to more places.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Travel to more bases.

The Average Person Resolves To: Help others out.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Help others GET OUT!

The Average Person Resolves To: Eat healthier.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Eat whatever their team sponsor is serving.

The Average Person Resolves To: Improve on relationships.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Improve on fielding skills.

The Average Person Resolves To: Take a second honeymoon.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Take second base.

The Average Person Resolves To: Start taking daily vitamins.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Start taking performance enhancing drugs.

The Average Person Resolves To: Join a gym.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Join a league.

The Average Person Resolves To: Cut back on texting.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Cut back on sexting.

The Average Person Resolves To: Connect with friends.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Connect with the ball.

The Average Person Resolves To: Stop eating sweets.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Stop acting sweet.

The Average Person Resolves To: Take more pictures.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Be in more NACKA pictures.

The Average Person Resolves To: Drink more water.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Drink more of everything.

The Average Person Resolves To: Kick a bad habit.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Kick a home run.

The Average Person Resolves To: Stop calling their ex.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Stop getting called out.

The Average Person Resolves To: Get six-pack abs.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Get a six-pack of Molson.

The Average Person Resolves To: Sign-up for volunteering.
The NACKA Kickballer Resolves To: Sign-up for tournaments.

Whatever your resolutions are this year...cheers and good luck!


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